This image is linked to project document. |
- the business to whom y'all will propose your ideas
- market needs--what do pet owners want?
- actual kennels and how they use the space
- the dimension of the actual space
- a budget.
I've found a guide that may be useful for your project, so feel free to use it to find information on pet hotels, like how to plan and run it. This may be useful in deciding where to put a pool or food bowl.
The image is a link to that guide.
There are many considerations that come into play when designing a kennel. While I don't think we need to do in detail all of them, I think that we must recognize them. You MUST go through this web page.
Here is a link to a Pinterest page that I found. I spent way too much time on it, but it was so danged adorable I couldn't leave it!
Here is an image of some of my favorites on the page, and thank you to for putting them out there.