Mark Runge, the Overlord, brings his background in art, automotive engineering, and deep love and long-time experience with technology to the Lab. He will help CBA's kids learn to love to play freely, as well as to think creatively and critically to help manifest meaningfulness in the world.
Do you have an art project that you want to work on? Do you just want to hang out in school? On the
next three Wednesdays we will have OPEN STUDIO, where you can come in and work on any project that you want.
The middle schoolers will be working on their robotics projects.
There will be some kind of food.
Dates: Wednesday, September 23 and 30th and Wednesday October 7 we will meet from 4-7pm!
You are to use this web site as a kick-off point for the exploration of mechanical movements:
For this week you will do your weekly blog concerning what you did in class this week. Remember, if you do not have images or did not make significant progress and want to blog about something else you may. For example, if you found some mechanical movements that you really like and want to incorporate into your piece you can show them. Or, you can post images of your favorite artist or artwork. Just post!
You will also make a new page that contains three artworks from the cabaret web site above. When you get to the site you can go straight to the artist link, but it would warm my little teacher heart if you spent some time going through the entire site.
Remember that everything that we are working on is in preparation for your family portrait.
Even after a couple of weeks of fun using them, this week we've abandoned the cups! In the end I was challenging the kids to make up their own programming games with the cups. They certainly rose to that challenge!
We've moved onto Scratch, which is a web-based, drag-and-drop programming language designed to teach kids programming. So far so good--another way to say it is that most kids love it!
For the next few weeks we will work on developing a strong practice of using Scratch. The final project will be a web based game of some sort, but that will be up to the kids to design as teams or individually!
The kids are finishing up their paper models, and they are turning out great! It is really fun to watch them make these constructions because it is a challenge. It is clear to see which students are naturals and which will need more practice to be great--which they will!
All of this work is to prepare for the "Family Portrait" project, and we will keep laying the foundation for that.
Your assignment for the week is to keep on your blog and keep thinking about your upcoming portrait!